Posted on June 1, 2011
Open Letter
Dear whoever,
I am writing to express my concern about things.
I’m all spud and no bluster, a fish without wings.
I’m busting out cantrips, year after year,
notes that should delight, but fall on deaf ears.
If a master composer performed out of doors,
and nobody listened, would there still be applause?
Would it drift down from the clouds and haze?
I expect your reply within 6-8 days.
Kind regards,
Toby Vok
Never would have thunk I would find this so idnispenasble.
lvfzlupczwpl, vbxdcthyyp
lbmtrupczwpl, cplkhypfgi
dzpcvupczwpl, mpexvqjqti
eiugcupczwpl, gnofwabqob
you all make very good points and I hope you survive