several conversements: conversement #8: escape

Conversement #8:

from: Terald V. Ark
to: Toby Vok

Dear Toby

I have not yet escaped from bed, and yet it is almost midday. What would mother say, do you think?

Terald V. Ark

PS: My bed is approximately 78 metres by 54 metres in length, width. Fog hinders my view. At intervals of approximately 3 minutes 21 seconds a spectral force holds me still, then rotates me at disconcerting speed until I have lost all sense of direction, bearing and poise. My mobile phone battery is weakening. I may not have time to see your reply, even if the fog clears enough to permit (I am typing by voice, despite my misgivings concerning such a practice). Occasionally, I hear creakings, occasionallier still croakings, and once, just once, a kraken.

from: Toby
to: Terald


Have you tried humming gently? Last time I hummed gently my bed didn’t rotate at all, and there was no fog. Krakens lurked on the horizon, of course, but when do they not? I recommend somewhere in the range of 24 – 37 dB, pitched somewhere around THE FORBIDDEN NOTE.


from: Ter
to: To

To Be,

You know that the lipless cannot hum, nor the cheekless neither. Your mockery is an affront, you aft runt (I have seen you sail, and you can barely even reach the jib.

From Me

from: T
to: T

I had mistaken you for the other Ted Vaaak, with the lips.

I did not mean to besmirch your faceless dignity. Your insults have been recorded in my diary, and will not be forgotten.

from: Terald V. Ark
to: Toby Vok

He has four As, not three. I have two (one in Terald, one in Ark, none in V.)

I hope this has been helpful.